
Kookie Konfessional

OK, let me honest here.  I am having moments of longing, missing being pregnant.  Natural, right.  What’s not natural is sad or “missing” the post-pregnancy body!  I was active throughout my fourth pregnancy, as I was with all my pregnancies, but this time around I stepped up my game.  I continued to run races of varying distances, practice yoga and do light weight training.  As a result, I lost my post-pregnancy body really quick after baby.  


Yes, I can hear the groaning now, see the eye rolling and feel those who just want to slap me. Trust me, I want to slap myself!  Who in their right mind misses the post-pregnangy belly pooch, the thunder thighs, the tearful mornings trying to find something to wear that is not maternity, is nursing friendly and doesn’t give you a muffin top?  But hear me out.  This is my last pregnancy (LAST people, I don’t care that everyone tells me I should try for a girl.  That’s a vent for another post) and I wanted to cherish every aspect, even the ugly parts.  And let’s be real, there are a lot of ugly parts of pregnancy.  Having  bounced back so quickly makes it seem as if he is growing up to fast.  Time is flying by and the entire 9 months are starting to seem as if they were a lifetime ago.  However, I know my longing for the post-pregnancy woes of “when will I fit into my old jeans again”, “I refuse to go up a size”, etc will subside and I will shamefully look back; feeling like a fool.  For the most part, I feel proud of maintaining my fitness and at all moments feel incredibly blessed to be a mom to four wonderful, healthy boys!
